Choosing between serverless and microservices for your business
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6 min read Mar 20, 2024

Choosing between serverless and microservices for your business

Both server-based and serverless architecture boast two unique approaches to creating and deploying apps. Each one comes with its own set of weaknesses and strengths. Serverless computing has gained a lot of buzz in town. Serverless computing does not mean that it is not using the servers. It means that the developer does not have any responsibility to manage them. You will be able to outsource them to the cloud vendor and concentrate on different mission-critical activities.

Server computing is regarded as a reliable and traditional choice when it comes to data protection and security. If you are wondering whether you want to choose between serverless and serverful architecture, you should choose this write-up. The insights given here help to make an informed decision, depending on the approach, catering to certain needs.

Regular servefull architecture

Served architecture involves the utilization of different long-run physical servers to execute different computing tasks, like data storage and the execution of different software programs. Such servers help run services and apps as needed by the business. In the serverful architecture, you need to have total control over the computing infrastructure. Thus, it customizes them to accomplish certain needs.

 Such an approach offers reliability, security, and performance at a higher level, as you can tailor the infrastructure to work with the services and apps optimally. It can be complex and expensive to handle the serverful architecture. Maintaining and buying the servers can be an expensive option, primarily for people and smaller businesses. Infrastructure maintenance and setup need specialized expertise and knowledge.

How is serverless different from a server?

Serverless frees the developers to maintain the servers. Due to this, the developers do not need to be stressed out about server management. Serverless computing utilizes servers. The primary difference is that potential users need to pay for the computing resources they are using without having to maintain and manage the physical servers on their own.

Thus, it will save the developer from managing the underlying infrastructure. Hence, they will focus on the primary skills, like app release and app development. Autoscaling happens to be the primary feature of serverless. It indicates that additional server space will be added automatically, catering to our needs.

Let’s have a brief overview of why to choose between serverless and server. Check it out!

Scalability and performance

If you want a computer to execute specific activities quickly, it is recommended to use a long-run server, referred to as serverless computing. It is faster than the short-lived functionalities of serverless computing. It is because serverless computing starts the function every time it is used.

Server computing can be a bit pricey and slow in terms of scalability. It is because it needs more DevOps staff and more servers to keep it going. Serverless computing is meant to withstand the massive fluctuations in demand. Businesses and enterprises henceforth do not need to take action, as the cloud service provider ensures that there will be sufficient resources to handle such requests.

Long-running tasks

As the server systems are equipped with long-running tasks, the server with worker processes and background threads can manage the server. In serverless systems, it is possible to handle long tasks through the use of different asynchronous functions. They serve as the independent functions that run complete and independent tasks. They are not keeping the user waiting.

Database Connection Pooling

It is regarded as a solution to prevent the app from using all the database connections. It functions by keeping certain connections to the database available and open to use. It helps in saving the prerequisite resources and time, as the connection closing and opening take ample effort.

As the serverless opensource comes with long-running servers, pooling connections becomes easy. When it comes to the serverless application, every user request leads to a new function running within the isolated environment. Thus, you will be able to exhaust different database connections.

Speaking of the serverless architecture, the cloud service providers handle the connection pooling. They help manage the app’s various connections. Hence, it is easy to opt for the database within the serverless environment. As the applications migrate to serverless, different businesses are releasing serverless drivers to integrate database operations within the serverless applications.


As the potential users are using the internet, they submit requests to the servers to obtain specific information. It is possible to set up such requests in the serverless and server architectures. The server processes and runs the requests, saves the data, and keeps the used information in the server architecture. It indicates that it will function efficiently and faster.

There are different businesses that depend on the serverless architecture. In such a setup, the servers will execute for a shorter period of time. It leads to different problems, as the server is not recalling the past-used information. It helps make the response to different requests longer. The best way to fix the issue is to use Redis, a specialized database, to store the specific information. Another option to fix the specific problem is to store the information on the phone and computer of the user on the server. You should make sure that the stored information remains secure and safe.

Serverless vs. server: Which architecture to choose from?

There are certain jobs, like long-running operations, that cannot be performed in a serverless environment. On the other hand, certain jobs, like auto-scaling, are challenging to provision within the serverful approach.

While choosing the computing infrastructure, you need to base the decision on different crucial factors, like performance, scalability, cost, and managing complications. In a specific scenario, as businesses need predictable workloads and a higher level of control over their infrastructure, server computing needs to be a better option.

It is due to the fact that businesses are optimizing their software and hardware configurations for enhanced performance, along with enhanced control over security and data. For businesses with unpredictable workloads and automatic scaling needs, serverless computing happens to be an effective solution. Serverless computing provides a suitable opportunity for businesses to scale seamlessly and pay for the specific resources they are using, leading to massive cost savings.

To sum it up, serverless computing happens to be an excellent choice for different businesses that need faster deployment of services and apps without the involvement of extensive IT management.

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