Live in the Moment0: Taking the Hottest Serverless Startup for a Test Drive with HooChat!

Momento is a Serverless Cache that boosts your app’s performance and eliminates outages. Momento focuses on helping engineering teams by doubling developer productivity and shipping velocity.

Momento is a Serverless Cache that boosts your app’s performance and eliminates outages. Momento focuses on helping engineering teams by doubling developer productivity and shipping velocity. Momento came out of stealth last quarter, announcing a $15M seed round led by Bain Capital Ventures. They also just announced support for their platform in India!

Momento is already helping customers like Wyze Labs, CBS Sports, ZigZaGames, Saturn, etc increase adoption and generate more revenue by bolstering their developer productivity. The case studies on Momento’s site have three things in common: each of these customers went from trial to production in a matter of weeks (sometimes under a week), saved 50% or more on their bills, and improved their overall availability.

To celebrate Momento’s recent launch in India, we did two things. First, we took Momento for a test drive, porting HooChat to it. Second, we have invited Khawaja - the cofounder and CEO of Momento- to share why the world needs more serverless and the role Momento will play in the serverless revolution. Vishwas, engineering manager at AntStack, will cover his experience migrating to Momento and whether serverless caching is sweeter than a Cadbury or spicier than aloo chaat.

Main Talking points for the Webinar:

  • What is Momento
  • Why serverless
  • How Momento Serverless Cache can save money for devs/managers
  • Why Momento recently expanded into India
  • HooChat’s success story

Live in the Moment0: Taking the Hottest Serverless Startup for a Test Drive with HooChat!

Camera IconVirtual EventEvent calendar IconMarch 29, 2023Clock Icon3:00 PM to 4:00 PM UTC

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